Greetings in Christ,
When we read in the Bible about the life of Jesus, the one thing which stands out is His conflict with all of those who claimed to be an authority on the scripture and law. Jesus gets the most feedback from the authorities when He speaks in first person about His relationship with God. The so claimed authorities could not get past the thought of anyone having a close relationship with God to the point they spoke of God in the first person. The prophets spoke of God in the second person prophesying so to speak in a way that it was a secondhand story of God’s word. Jesus spoke with definitive authority about His firsthand experience and relationship with God.
This is not to say the past prophets did not have a relationship with God, but their manor of speech about God was delivered more in a messenger method rather than I was there in person with God. Jesus was with God in person so when He spoke it carried with it more authority and power in His deliverance of His words. The prophets were chosen to speak on behalf of God because they had a relationship with Him.
The so-called authorities presumed they had all the knowledge they needed to determine spiritual matters, after all, they had studied the word and law backwards and forwards from youth to adulthood, and they were on top of their game. No one could out do them, and no one could fool them, but they forgot one thing. It was not about knowledge, but a relationship with God.
The so-called authorities studied the word and laws, but they did not hear God speak to them through the word as they read and studied it. They let the word be a physical discipline for them to follow instead of a spiritual discipline to guide them. They were more concerned with outward appearance rather than inward desire. The more they studied the word and law it became more of an effort to achieve their own righteousness and not developing a relationship with God.. When the time came for them to speak on their knowledge, they were blind to the truth of the word and law they studied, thus their resistance to acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah. The so-called authorities considered Jesus to be demon possessed and He was deceiving people taking them to their doom.
The so-called authorities read and studied, but they missed out on a relationship. They applied their knowledge to build self-righteousness instead of God’s righteousness. They wanted to be recognized for their ability to clean themselves up rather than letting God do the cleaning for them. They were caught up in the doing rather letting it be done.
The Bible has so much depth it is hard to understand the true meaning at times, and it makes it even worse if we just try to read it just to be reading it. It requires asking God to open our spiritual eyes as we study and hear what it has to say to us. The truth will be revealed to us if we are truly seeking to be in a relationship with Him. It is a matter of allowing God to work in us rather than us working for God. It is when it penetrates our heart and not just our mind the truth will be revealed. It will help us with that first person experience with God as God knows us and we know Him.
“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your name give glory because of Your lovingkindness, because of Your truth. Why should the nations say, “Where, now, is their God?” But our God is in the heavens;
He does whatever He pleases. Their idols are silver and gold, the work of man’s hands. They have mouths, but they cannot speak; they have eyes, but they cannot see; they have ears, but they cannot hear; they have noses, but they cannot smell; they have hands, but they cannot feel; they have feet, but they cannot walk; they cannot make a sound with their throat. Those who make them will become like them, everyone who trusts in them. The heavens are the heavens of the Lord, but the earth He has given to the sons of men. The dead do not praise the Lord, nor do any who go down into silence; but as for us, we will bless the Lord from this time forth and forever. Praise the Lord!” Psalm 115:1-8, 16-18
Lord may we read Your word so we can see the truth and draw closer to You. Amen