Devotional for December 1, 2021

Greetings in Christ,

  Many people like to plan out their activities in life, and they have daily planners in one way or another to organize their time to be able to be more efficient of the time they have.  People try to fit all the activities of life in an orderly fashion which best suits the individual or the individual’s life with other people.

  It is especially true around this time of year when people are planning to spend time with family and friends during the holiday season.  There are so many activities which a person may want to attend and many places to be with family and friends.  To make use of the time more efficient, people plan their time accordingly to maximize their activities to see those they choose to spend time with.

  People need to plan.  It is an important part of daily routines and lives to plan out the activities of life.  It creates a sense of security knowing there is a plan in place for the day, week, or month.  Planning falls into the category of responsibility where it makes people accountable and dependable.  People rely on this to be a normal approach to life so we can better plan our lives for the future, but even the best thought out plans have some have errors in them, or they do not include other things which may occur to alter those plans.

  People expect their plans to go accordingly just as they have been mapped out, but things do occur which change those plans.  In those cases where plans have been changed some people react very well, but some people do not handle change very well, and in some cases when disaster strikes even those who react well do not have the best composure.  People like to have their plans work out just the way they plan them, but that is not always the case in life.

  The reality of life is it can change at any moment.  Our best plans can be altered at any given time for any reason.  We cannot plan for everything in life.  We can run through every scenario of life and try to incorporate the things we have encountered or think we may encounter, and we hope we have thought of everything which can happen.  We want that sense of security in life to know we will complete our plans accordingly.  We rely on our plans daily and try to think of those things which can offset those plans.  This Sunday’s scriptures give us look at life changing events.

  Amos gives us a look at Israel, Judah, and the surrounding nations which will suffer the judgment of God due to their sinful lives.  Amos is trying to tell them of God’s anger which will be coming as judgment soon.  The people have planned their lives around activities which exclude God and His righteousness.  They are worshipping idols giving them the praise He deserves.  God is fed up with their plans and He is going to bring changes to them.

  Paul writes to the Thessalonians telling them they need to make sure they do not fall away from their path of righteousness for Jesus is returning soon.  He is warning them not to get caught doing something sinful like those who live out their plans during the cover of darkness.  Paul goes on to say as long as they walk in the light, they will be fine.  The timing of Jesus’ return is not known.

  Luke records Jesus telling the people of the events which will occur near the end of time.  Earthquakes will be happening, family members will turn on each other to be persecuted for their beliefs, and nations will revolt against each other.  Jesus goes on to say the best plan is not to have a plan of defense in those times for no one will be able to think of everything.  The only thing they need to have as a plan is to be dependent on Him to be with them.  He will see to it that not even a hair on their head will not perish.

  We want to plan out our lives.  We want that idea of having a sense of security knowing we have control of our lives in every situation, but the reality of life is control is an illusion.  Too many things happen in life we cannot plan to incorporate or avoid.  We do not have the capability of thinking of every scenario of life we can encounter; we can only plan for what we have experienced on think we will experience.  The only real thing we can incorporate in our plans is to follow Jesus.

  The things of this earth will fade away.  Family and friends will let us down.  The only one truth is God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit will remain forever.  The only one plan we can have for the security we try to incorporate in our lives is to know they will never leave us nor forsake us.  We may not be able to plan for all of the things of life, but we can plan on the Trinity to be at our side walking with us, and that is the best plan we can have.

  “Praise the Lord!  Praise, O servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord.  Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and forever.  From the rising of the sun to its setting the name of the Lord is to be praised.  The Lord is high above all nations; His glory is above the heavens.  Who is like the Lord our God, Who is enthroned on high, Who humbles Himself to behold the things that are in heaven and in the earth?  He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap, to make them sit with princes, with the princes of His people.  He makes the barren woman abide in the house as a joyful mother of children.  Praise the Lord!”  Psalm 113

  Lord may the best plan be is to follow You no matter the situation(s) of life.  Amen


  Mark Johnson
  Psalm 111,112,113,146,147; Amos 1:1-5, 13-2:8; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11; Luke 21:5-19

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