Greetings in Christ,
How many of you have been part of constructing a home or a building? Perhaps you have watched a house being built in your neighborhood or watch a new building go up in the community. It is interesting to see all the phases of the project go into place for a house or building, and if you had access to the architectural design, you would see all the different layers of drawings which have been drawn up to go into the building project. The drawings would give you all the correct dimensions and procedures to start the project all the way from digging in the earth to the last interior detail just before occupancy. There were a lot of details which had to be thought about in the architectural drawings which had to be put into place.
The start of the building project is based upon the structure being properly placed on solid ground. The structure must reside on something which has the ability to withstand the weight of the building and not sink into the ground at the same time. It is crucial the beginning part of the building project is properly done for the rest of the building project to take place. In most cases the groundwork and getting the foundation correct and square will take more time then finishing the rest of the project. The beginning steps of the building project have to be correct and, on the mark, or else the structure will not withstand the building later. Most of this hard work will eventually be covered up by the earth which will be back filled along the foundation of the building.
To most people it seems like it is a long process for the project to be completed, but when the foundation work is done, it seems as if the workers kick into high gear and the building goes up in a hurry. Soon the walls are up, and the roof is on and the next thing you know people are living in the house or working in the building. The hard work of getting the structure in place and making it sure it has the best foundation and support for the building has been forgotten and all people see is the structure which stands on it. All the hard has been covered up.
Job was one of those people who could not see all the hard work God had put into place in creating the earth. Job was questioning the architect and the architectural design and was trying to give Him advice on how to make it better. Job did not like how things were going for him and he wanted to change the design and the earth upon which he lived. Now of course this backfired on him with God asking if he was there when God had created the earth. Job’s answer had to be no he was not, and it made him think about the forgotten part of God’s design.
Job had forgotten about the design God had put into place for the earth to be a place for mankind to live. The waters had to be held back so as not to flood the earth. Trees and vegetation had to be planted in the ground, the sun had to shine, and the clouds covered the earth as a blanket to keep it warm. All the things of the earth had its place for mankind. The most important part in the design was it was supposed to point to the architect who designed the earth and all it contained. The intention was to make mankind look to God and worship Him for creating this wonderful place. God even took it several more steps. He designed the earth to be the foundation for mankind to be able to enjoy residency in heaven. God had in His design for mankind to worship Him here on earth.
Just like building a structure whether it is a house or large building, if the foundation is not on solid ground and correct it will crumble when the rest of the structure is built upon it. Our spiritual lives are just like a building. We need a good foundation. God has thought of everything in His design to aid us in our life with Him. We have no excuse not to choose to build upon the foundation He has already put into place.
Take some time and go outside and look at the earth all its beauty. Look up in the sky and see the sun and the clouds. Appreciate the trees and the flowers and walk in the grass. Just remember God had all of this in mind when He designed the earth for us to live on it. It was meant for it to be the foundation upon which we can stand to look up to Him and give Him the praise for all He has done for us. God’s building project is not done. The hard work seems to get covered up by the things of this earth, but it is still a solid foundation upon which to stand. God’s desire is for us to build on it while He finishes heaven for us later.
“The works of His hands are truth and justice; all His precepts are sure. They are upheld forever and ever; they are performed in truth and uprightness. He has sent redemption to His people; He has ordained His covenant forever; holy and awesome is His name. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all those who do His commandments; His praise endures forever.” Psalm 111:7-10
“The Lord opens the eyes of the blind; the Lord raises up those who are bowed down; the Lord loves the righteous; the Lord protects the strangers; He supports the fatherless and the widow, but He thwarts the way of the wicked. The Lord will reign forever, Your God, O Zion, to all generations.
Praise the Lord!” Psalm 146:8-10
Lord may not forget Your design and forget to give You the praise for all You do for us. May the praise be continually on our lips as we serve You. Amen