Devotional for November 17, 2021

Greetings in Christ,

  Credibility is one of those things which is earned and not given.  It is something which is proven to be a quality in a person and has the integrity to stand firm on certain values, understandings, or methods.  This person shows consistent performance in small things as well as major things in their lives.  It could range from everyday activities to job performance where the individual has proven to be a person of certain traits which do not waiver in how they approach life.  This person has gained the trust and respect of others who have observed their actions.

    This type of credibility is deep in the person’s life, and it dwells in their thoughts and actions without having to think about it.  It is their inner nature to act and react with the same consistent actions.  It is their inner desire to be who they are, and there is no way of faking this type of action or credibility.  It resides in the inner heart and soul of that person who has earned this credibility.

  King David had this type of credibility.  He rose to power in Israel because he was credible in his actions.  David had the trust and respect of many men in his army which expanded to the people of Israel.  David’s credibility was based in the fact he trusted in God, and he did nothing without inquiring of the Lord before he did anything.  David based everything he did on being righteous in the sight of God.  It was his inner desire to please the Lord in everything he did.  This desire to please the Lord gave him the trust and respect of God.

  God knew He could trust David to be who he said he would be because David had proven himself to God in many things in the past.  David also had trust and respect for God because God had proven to be credible to him.  They both had proven to be credible to each other and out of this relationship David became King of Israel.  God had entrusted him with leading a nation of people while at the same time showing other nations God was in control.  God knew He could trust David to be the king who would lead Israel, and David would be the example of God working in his life.

  Luke quotes Jesus in a parable which He tells of a steward who is being called in by his master.  The steward is going to be relieved of his duties because he is unjust, but before he meets his master he goes and makes deals with those who owe his master money.  The steward is concerned with his outcome and wants to find favor with those he has done business within the past hoping to find a place to land after being released. 

  The steward strikes a deal with those who owe the master money and stands before his master who finds his actions to be very shrewd.  The master responds to the steward’s actions with praise telling him he has acted shrewdly, but then tells him he only acted this way with those which he has dealt with to gain favor with them.  The master knew the steward was acting selfishly and only acting for his own agenda.

  Jesus goes on to say that men cannot serve two masters.  He will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to one and despise the other, but He prefaced those words with His thoughts on being faithful.  It comes back to being credible in a person’s actions.

  Credibility reaches far into our lives daily.  It is something which comes from our inner self which has the foundation that cannot be moved.  Everything we do and say is based on what we believe and take a stand, and it is unwavering.  We act and react from our inner core beliefs which we believe with our whole heart and soul.  It is something people see in us which gains their trust and respect, and most important God sees and gains His trust and respect.

  Credibility correlates to being faithful to God which gives us our strength, truth, and sense of righteousness.  When we really look at life and all it has to offer, what is the most important?  The glitz and glamour of the world is enticing, but it only has the sparkle for a short time.  The newness and the excitement wear off and it gets set aside to be forgotten, but to remain faithful to God has it rewards beyond measure.

  Credibility in God’s eyes should mean more to us than anything else.  It means He trusts us to be faithful in our actions no matter what the situation.  It is something which comes from within us and it our desire to please Him and to be righteous in our actions.  May we be found faithful in the little things which build our credibility with Him.

  “The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.  The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.  The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the judgments of the Lord are true; they are righteous altogether.  They are more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold;
sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb.  Moreover, by them Your servant is warned; in keeping them there is great reward.  Who can discern his errors? Acquit me of hidden faults.
Also keep back Your servant from presumptuous sins; let them not rule over me; then I will be blameless, and I shall be acquitted of great transgression.  Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.”  Psalm 19:7-14

  Lord may You find us faithful and may we be credible in Your eyes.  Amen


  Mark Johnson
  Psalm 19,46,66,67; 1 Chronicles 14:1-17; Acts 28:14b-23;Luke 16:1-13

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