Greetings in Christ,
The selected scriptures give us something to ask ourselves. Do we really see our surroundings and consider how majestic God really is? Do we really consider just how far God is above us and just how much He really loves us?
“The LORD is high above all nations; His glory is above the heavens.” The Psalmists declares the wonders of God through these words, and declares God is above all. We do not know if the psalmist really had first hand evidence of these words, but we can imagine he saw direct results of God at work. The psalmist had to see the wonders of God’s hand in the creation, heard the stories of how God led the people out of Egypt, and experienced God’s hand of deliverance in his life.
I am sure he saw God’s hand at work in other people’s lives as well. The hand of God at work supplying the needs of others, seeing the joy filling their hearts, and the responses of the people’s heart as they were moved by God.
There had to be significant evidence God was at work in his life and in the lives of those people, otherwise, the psalmist was writing a lie. The point here is he noticed what was going on in his life and those around him. He knew there was something bigger than he could imagine, and it made him curious to know more.
“You are My witnesses, declares the LORD, and My servant whom I have chosen, so you may know and believe Me and understand I am He before Me there was no God formed and there will be none after Me. I, even I, am the LORD, and there is no savior besides Me. It is I who have declared and saved and proclaimed, and there was no strange god among you so you are My witnesses, declares the LORD, and I am God. Even from eternity I am He, and there is none who can deliver out of My hand; I act and who can reverse it?” God was making it known through Isaiah there is no god like God.
The people had to be reminded God was above all other gods. They had not taken the time to see the wonders which abounded around them, and you might say they took things for granted. God had to remind people there was still an awe to consider, and it needed to be studied so they could see the real reason for the existence of the awe and wonder. God had been silent long enough and He wanted the people to take notice of Him, study His works, study His words, and see His love for them.
Peter wrote to the people calling for them to long for the pure milk of the word. He wanted the people to learn from his first hand experiences of Jesus words and wonders. Peter being one of the ones who spent time with Jesus realized the importance of what he witnessed and experienced. Peter was reminding of how he was able to see Jesus in action, to witness the healings, to hear the words of wisdom, and to hear Jesus tell the stories of creation. How the earth was formed, how God breathed breath into Adam’s lungs, and how He shared the love of God with the people.
Peter could not put into words all the things he experienced. He encouraged the people to drink the word so they could be in some way experience the same things he did. Peter wanted the people to feel God moving in their lives just as he saw and felt Jesus stir his life. Peter wanted them to know they were part of something bigger. “But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God’s OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”
Peter knew firsthand the awe and wonder of God as he walked with Jesus. He wanted others to feel the same way he did, and he was excited to talk about the love he had experienced.
Johns records the words of Jesus as He spoke to the people, “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him.” Jesus was trying to get the people to think about all the things they saw take place. Jesus wanted the people to really think and realize those miracles had to be done by a superior God. Jesus wanted the people to ponder the words He spoke and to apply them to their lives. Jesus had been there from the beginning, and He knew the awe and amazement of what God can do. Jesus was there from the beginning when God breathed breath into Adam’s lungs and gave him life. Jesus was the image of God, and if the people realized what they saw, they saw God in action in their midst. Jesus wanted the people to realize just how wonderful God was, and for them not to take for granted all He had done for them.
God calls us to look at the things in life and not to take them for granted. Take another look at the things around us and let’s look for God’s handiwork in them. Look for God’s handiwork in the lives of others. Let’s take the time to slow down to be amazed at what God has done for us and to realize just how much He loves us. Look at the Bible as a love story which has been written just for us by God. Read the Bible as a love story to know despite all mankind has done to distance between them and God. God has never stopped loving mankind, and throughout the Bible as God’s love is revealed for mankind.
Let’s look at the things God has done for us in our lives with a new approach. Let God stir us in a new way in our lives so we have been awakened spiritually. Ask God to give us fresh eyes and heart to look at all He has done for us, and realize how much God loves us.
“Great are the works of the LORD; they are studied by all who delight in them.” Psalms 111:2
“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all those who do His commandments; His praise endures forever.” Psalms 111:10
“Praise the LORD! For it is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant and praise is becoming.” Psalms 147:1
Lord open our eyes and heart to look at the things You have done and do for us. Let us be amazed at Your majesty and greatness so we can learn from Your wisdom. Amen.
Mark Johnson
Psalm 111,112,113,114; Isaiah 43:8-13; 1Peter 2:2-10; John 14:1-7